A novel strategy for wind power forecast through neural networks: Applications to the Uruguayan electricity system
Abstract—In systems with a high penetration of wind power generation, the precision of the forecasts is a critical input
for the electricity dispatch planning. In this paper, we present the methodology that has been used to implement a complete
update of the wind power forecast model in Uruguay. The new model increases the precision of the forecasts both in
low and high power scenarios. It allows to perform a more efficient short-term electricity dispatch, improving the resource
valuation, the inter-systems energy exchanges and the prevision of the wholesale electricity market spot price. According to the
simulations performed, the new model increase the precision of wind power forecasts between 7% and 32%. The model is on
its production phase and their results can be accessed through pronos.adme.com.uy/svg and latorrex.adme.com.uy/vates.
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